Saturday, December 31, 2022

"After the Battle" ~ Palladium toned Kallitype

 Another reprint of this image in 8"x10", from the 11"x14" format. The prints in this Civil War series are all printed on Revere Platinum rag, developed in either sodium acetate [cool tone], or sodium citrate [war tone]; then toned in palladium toner. This image developed in the warm tone sodium citrate developer, then palladium toned.

As in all the images, the focus of the printing is on the light. Getting the light right, for me, sets the scene. Having the ability to film and video tape the battle scenes, filming on the battle field, as well as having full access to all the reenactors in their respective bivouac areas, gave me the ability to capture actions and images of individuals that simply wouldn't have been possible otherwise. An influence for me back then, was seeing Timothy O'Sullivan and Alexander Gardner's photos of the Civil War. Realizing of course they were filming with an 8x10 camera using wet plate techniques, while I was snapping images with a 35mm SLR camera, then developing when I was ready, in my darkroom at home.

Palladium Toned Kallitype

"After the Battle"

Salem, Oregon 1990

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