Wednesday, January 4, 2023

"Forming the Confederate Line" ~ Palladium toned Kallitype

 The task, when I was photographing these Civil War scenes, was capturing the essence of the reenactment scenes;  as a photojournalist. The idea being to capture in a number of images, the fuller story of what was being seen. The images I am printing are samples of Civil War life in bivouac, and battle. I spent the full seven day week with the reenactors, in the bivouac area, mostly the Union bivouac area. I tried to be even handed in selecting the images, showing both sides of the reenactments.

There was a "Forming the Union Line", thus this "Forming the Confederate Line. Again, these scenes were in very bright sunlight, leaving very contrasty scenes, which needed to be tamed, for printing well. My efforts with preparing these images, and printing them, was leaving the brilliant sunlight affect on the scene. It's all bout the light.

Palladium Toned Kallitype

"Forming the Confederate Line" 8"x10"

Salem, Oregon 1990

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