Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Portfolio II ~ Second Print

Yesterday's print was a test print to see the density range of the digital negative, and how it would print as a Kallitype. It did fine. Before I print a final image it will be necessary to scan the original negative, and that has to wait until I can find a replacement for my once very nice Plustek scanner that was thrashed when workers putting in a new flooring dumped it onto the bottom of a large box, upside down, then dumped a large pile of hardback books on top. It doesn't work anymore.

The negatives in question are 5x7 so just any scanner won't fly. So, I'm rummaging through images I do have a clear scan of. I do have some already in folders. Finding them is the next task. One such image was scanned from an old 5x7 negative when the scanner was functional. It is a shot taken of Fern Ridge Reservoir at the east side of Eugene, Oregon. The reservoir is a bird sanctuary, with dozens of pole nesting sites for the Osprey, which circle and swoop over the wetlands and waters as excellent fish catchers and rodent hunters. In the distance of the photo, in the sky, several such Osprey can be seen circling about the water. Very small though. I used a short lens for the shot.

This print is a Kallitype printed on Revere Platinum paper. I also toned this particular print in palladium as it fit the feel of the image.

Palladium toned Kallitype
"Train Trestle" ~ 8x10 ~ 2/5
"Fern Ridge Reservoir, Vaneta, Oregon

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