I have shifted my blogging to the blog on my website, however, this blog seems to attract printers, so it behooves me to post here as well. To catch up, I have finished the five books on photographic processes; "Alchemist's Guide; to Printing in Gum" ~ and Gum over Palladium. Four years in the works completing that project. I now have ten portfolios of prints, forming the bulk of my body of work. For now I continue to print gum over palladium prints, now, in 11x14 format.
I have posted past gum over palladium prints, layer at a time, to show how the process proceeds, as technique. The thing to keep in mind is the gum process is very malleable, conforming to the printer's personal creativity. There are no real boundaries. When I began making gum prints, I had only a knowledge of the process, which is sufficient to begin, What I lacked was coming to understand technique, which comes after one begins learning technique. Technique is what shapes the print image to the printer's vision of what the image is to look like.
I am an avowed Pictorialist. No the fuzzy out of focus shots of young women in white gossamer dress holding a glass ball in the misty forest, near a lake. That'd be Clarence White. The Pictorial Effect has to do with creating an overall mood for the print image, by using technique to shape the elements in such a way it is 'the strongest way of seeing'. Dramatic, such that the viewer can more directly feel the emotional connection the printer had with the image. That takes time, and a lot of printing.
Next up is the first of the 11x14 gum over palladium prints in the newest portfolio. I will be noting the basics elements of the printing process, to give the reader a way of seeing how the print went together. The current print I am working on is the third print in the portfolio,a and one that I have been spending more time on, evaluating exactly what I want out of it. More on that when I post the print. Soon.
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