The search for the grail of best printable density ranges for printing in silver has pretty much run its course. Mostly. Still a lot of things that will be tested, to continue fine tuning the process. What has proven out well is the sort of hybrid process PJ has conjured up through his efforts in Photoshop, which I don't have. The closest thing I have is Corel Paintshop Pro, which I would recommend to any photographer doing digital imagery.
The last negative test was using PJ's visually inspected density manipulation through various density ranges related to the hue factor that was coupled with it. There is a mutual influence taking place between PJ and me. PJ's negatives, for my historical tastes, were rather thin. He has been seeing the negatives I have been handing him, and how they print, and has accordingly begun pumping up the densities of his image considerably. Reciprocally, I come from negative densities that one can skate on, and am coming to realize such densities don't need to be applied to be printable. There is a commonality in that reciprocal relationship; the spectral density of green toning of the negative image.
What I am seeing happening is that our negatives have now arrived at about the same place, both using green toned negatives, with densities that could easily be intertwined without altering much of the image structure. That tells me we're moving in the right direction, arriving at a density range setup that is printing as we like, respectively. The previous images I've been posting are nearing a final stage of printing, so I have begun flipping through folders of images I've kept on a separate drive. Too many to count. Being I live in an old western town in the Sonoran Desert, not far from the Mexican border, I need to look through the western focused images. These will be the next negatives used to print. This is how I prefer to view the image when making decisions about the finished print.
8x10 Negative ~ Green Toned
OK Corral; Tombstone, Arizona
8x10 Negative ~ Green Toned
Stagecoach Main Street ~ Tombstone, Arizona
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