Monday, February 7, 2022

"Heeber Creeper" ~ Palladium over Kallitype Print

 One of my earlier photographs; circa 1977-78. I had wanted to make this a gum over palladium print, but formatting it to fit to one of the two gum printing formats of 8x10 and 11x14 simply wouldn't cooperate from the original image, which, interestingly enough, was shot on 35mm film. The only effective way to keep the fuller original image, thus if I wanted to print it at all, it had to be 11"17".

This print was prepped in my standard process, making the original image to my liking, concerning the light, converted to "black & white film" [being an RGB image], then on to be image flipped, and negative image before adding the density curve I created, Na2 <curve>, which isn't a radical curve, but a soft one, raising the density range from about Log .6, to Log .8/ Log 1.0. I don't need a lot of density in the digital negatives as they all get printed with my UV printer; 160W [8-tube white black lights] 6-inches from the table top, or about 5" using a printing frame. The standard printing time for this setup is 8-minutes, with toning. If I use the 1% gold/ thiourea toner the time drops to 7-minutes, as tha toner tends to darken the upper tonalities as much as the blacks.

Palladium toned Kallitype

"Heber Creeper" 11"x17"

Heber, Arizona 1977-78

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