I changed things up a bit, printing this image. I've had it in a folder for some time, having printed the first take on the cabin from another angle, printed as a gum over palladium print. This one is all gum work. I just liked the light effect on the cabin in this image, cropping it tighter than the first print; Skinner's Cabin.
This print was built of ten color layers, fairly shear and brushed out thin. Mostly the colors are based upon the CYMK colors, with Emerald Green [foliage] and Raw Sienna [cabin] to separate the two. Being mostly color blind to red/green I can say I see any real obvious green in the foliage area or on the ferns, by the tree and corner of cabin. It was applied, although perhaps not heavy enough.
I will be continuing with the gum printing for a while, although I do make a palladium print from time to time. The most recent being "Tombstone Marshals", a favorite of mine, and final print of the edition; 2/2. I do have another print ready to be made of "Team Horses", a sort of portrait of two draft horses hitched to a wagon on Tombstone's main street. It was the brilliant white/silver mane of the one horse that struck me as worth of printing. Well, that's me.
Gum Dichromate Print
"Grandpa's Cabin II"
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