I spent many hours on the banks of the Willamette River, as it meandered through Eugene, Oregon. Some very nice walking/bike paths ran along the western bank of that river, usually with sumptuous blackberries growing wild in bushes four feet wide along those banks. The light during the spring and summer months was very conducive to black and white photography.
Most of the images I captured along the river were usually late afternoon and sunset shots, as the light tended to create the 'golden glow' most of the time, and that, was when I was set up and ready. This image was shot where the river widened, and became much shallower, creating the shallow rapids in the image, along with the still pools beside them. It was late afternoon with the sun creating a soft glow on the vegetation on the banks.
Platinum/Palladium Print
"Looking up River" ~ 5x7 ~ 2.5
Eugene, Oregon
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