Today turned out to be a printing day. Just decided it was the thing to do. As I continue to work with the Kallitype print, I'm experimenting with the two developers I use, as well as the density range of the negative. Each shapes the final image quite a bit, and I have a previsualized image I am attempting to arrive at. The tests today fell a bit short of my expectations, with the density experiments teaching me a lot, yet not on the first try, so the prints are a bit lacking from what I want them to be.
This image has been in the pipeline for printing for quite a while. It was down the list a bit. My choice for printing this image was using the cold black developer, and that shifted the overall image color to more neutral grays, although to my eye the image remains a bit warm. I also fell short of the print time by about 2-3 minutes to bring zone 7 in better, separate from the other values. When I print this again, it will be with the increased print time, as well as developed in sodium citrate instead of sodium acetate. The citrate developer is the warmed toned version. The print will then be toned in palladium, instead of the gold toner I used for this print. I just don't like the image color. For my eye it looks like a split toned imaged, trying to be a neutral cool and a warm print at the same time. It is also not fully printed in.
I continue to use Revere Platinum paper for my printing; coated on the rough or open side.
Developer; Sodium Citrate ~ Clearing Bath; EDTA
Print time; 12 minutes
Gold toned Kallitype
"Weight of Spring" Unfinished
"Eugene, Oregon"
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